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NDIS Champions

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Marietta Le Grand

Harrison, ACT

AFDO NDIS Champion Marietta Le Grand

Regards herself as enabled, not disabled, thanks to the opportunities and assistance afforded her by both the NDIS and AFDO.

Born in Canberra, Marietta was brought up to value the unique and the individual; to care about social justice, equality, and the right of all individuals to exercise choice and control over their own lives.

Studying for a degree in Sociology and Literature further increased her fascination with the human condition and led her onto a varied but always stimulating exploration of life. Perhaps because of her perspectives on life, she gravitated towards working roles that encompassed a great deal of personal interaction with people from very diverse sectors of life and community. She relates well to people and really enjoys discovering new things. 

The same attitude she applies to life is applied to her disability where she sees the wisdom of the old adage…from a sow’s ear was a silk purse made…So she has reinvented herself and combined three of her passions - People, Information, and Talking – to launch herself on to the public speaking circuit. Her aim is simple – to share information and ideas with people in order to help them make choices and decisions that will enhance their satisfaction with their lives.

About the NDIS Champions program

Would your business, organisation or community group benefit from a free information session on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), delivered by a person with disability in your local area?

Do you want to know more about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)? Do you want to understand what it will mean for people with disability?

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) has recently employed and trained 30 people with disabilities from all over Australia to become NDIS Champions - to deliver reliable, fact-checked information about the NDIS in their local communities.

NDIS Champions presentations have answers to the most frequently asked questions, including:

  • What is the NDIS?
  • Who can access it?
  • Why do we need it?
  • How does it work?
  • What do I need to do?
  • NDIS Plans
  • And more

If your business, organisation, or community group would benefit from a free information session on the NDIS, you can fill out an Expression of interest form (online or PDF), or contact your local Champion directly using the contact details on the Champions' page. 

Note: NDIS Champions presentations were free during late 2016, but the project funding for this has ended. The Champions we trained are now working independently as presenters, and are charging modest fees to cover their time, expenses and expertise. Contact your local NDIS Champion to find out more. 

Contact details

Marietta welcomes enquiry for booking, to speak about the NDIS from a user’s perspective, via email

Find Marietta on LinkedIn.

Download Marietta's NDIS Champions flyer (PDF, 1 page, 160kb)