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NDIS ILC Commissioning Framework has been released

The NDIS has today released a document called ‘Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) – Commissioning Framework’. This talks about how the NDIS can help people with disability and their families, even if they are not NDIS participants. This is about making life better for all people with disability and their families, in lots of different ways. People used to call ILC 'Tier 2'.

A hand holding an information symbol, and 'ndis' below.


ILC Policy Framework

The ILC Commissioning Framework is based on the ILC Policy Framework released earlier last year. It outlined five activity streams:

  • Stream 1 is about providing information and connecting people with each other and other services
  • Stream 2 is about making sure mainstream services meet the needs of people with disability more effectively
  • Stream 3 is about building understanding in the wider community
  • Stream 4 is about creating support that builds the capacity of people with disability
  • Stream 5 is about strengthening the connection between people with disability, the NDIS, their family and their carers


ILC Commissioning Framework

The Policy Framework outlined what the ILC is. The ILC Commissioning Framework explains:

  • how ILC is a part of the NDIS
  • the outcomes expected for ILC – the goals that the NDIS has for people with disability who will use ILC
  • how activities will be chosen and funded 10
  • how we will know if ILC is working well
  • how much money there is for ILC. 

The Policy Framework and the draft Commissioning Framework were co-designed, which means that lots of people with disability that don't work for the NDIS gave the NDIS advice and feedback about the things in the documents. 

Today the NDIS released the final version of the Commissioning Framework. You can download it in several different formats, with more to follow, from the ILC Commissioning Framework page of the NDIS website