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Joint Standing Committee Interim Report

The committee heard that the planning process does not involve NDIS participants in a meaningful way.

The committee also considers that face-to-face meetings between participants and NDIA delegates should be an essential part of the planning process. Participants should be given all opportunities possible to communicate their goals and required supports, and to challenge planning proposals that do not meet their needs.

The report outlines 14 recommendations which are available in the Report.  

In brief, the list of recommendations include: 

1. That participants get to see their draft plan

2. A face-to-face meeting before plans are approved

3. The participants can amend part of a plan when needed

4. Plan reviews to be completed within 45 days

5. Simple communication and consistent terminology

6. Better training for LACs and planners

7. participants to be able to pay for transport out of core funding.

You can read the NDIS Planning Interim Report on the Government's website