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June Data Release reports

This week, the NDIA released the fifth set of NDIS data on the NDIS Data and Insights website. It includes a range of new and refreshed data, including detailed reports into Participant Outcomes and Family/Carer Outcomes. This data release also includes:
  • market dashboards for each Local Government Area (LGA), supplementing the dashboards by service district. This makes it easier for people to get a picture of Scheme progress in the areas they live in.
  • new data sets on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) participants, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants based on 31 March 2020 data.
  • refreshed data sets and tables using 31 March 2020 data for all data previously released.

The Outcomes data gives a picture of how far the Scheme has come, with highlights including:

  • After two years in the Scheme, over 90 per cent of parents/carers of children aged from birth to before starting school believe the NDIS had improved their child’s development (94%) and their child’s access to specialist services (91%).
  • Almost 90 per cent of participants aged 25 and over said they now had someone outside their home to call for practical help. 

The data also highlights areas for continued focus, so the NDIA can continue to improve outcomes for participants.