The AFDO logo with Australian Federation of Disability Organisations next to it

Are you in the loop?

Getting the most out of your NDIS

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In 2020 and 2021 the Australian Federation of Disability Organisation (AFDO) and Disability Loop ran a series of workshops called ‘Getting the most out of your NDIS’. The workshops and resources, were written, produced and presented by and for people with disabilities.


In these presentations we discussed

-       Language and Terms Used in the NDIS

-       Suggestions, tips and resources for the NDIS

-       Knowing your rights

-       How to implement your plan

You can view the videos from this series below

Video 1- Introduction to the NDIS

Video 2 - Your Plan

Video 3 - Supports and goals

Video 4 - Budgets

Video 5 - Reviews and Complaints

As well as face to face workshops a series of handouts covering each of the topics was produced.  Copies of these handouts are available to download here

Or you can get a copy of the handouts posted to you by calling 1800 219 969 (toll free)  or emailing


Handout 1: About AFDO and disability Loop

Handout 2: NDIS Terms

Handout 3: Examples of support worker support

Handout 4: Access Request for NDIS - Supporting Evidence

Handout 5: The meaning of Reasonable and Necessary

Handout 6: NDIS Support Category examples

Handout 7: Plan management

Handout 8: Finding a Service Provider

Handout 9: Individual Advocacy and Making Complaints

Handout 10: NDIS Goals

Handout 11: Understand NDIS Pricing


All resources are supplied free of charge.